Fundraise for Your Organization

Fundraise for Your Organization

Are you looking to fundraise for your organization? We are here to help. Greenville Escape Room takes applications from all non-profits organizations. In order to be considered, you must send us either a W9 or 5013C in order for your organization to be considered. We...
Bookkeeper Riddle

Bookkeeper Riddle

It is time for the riddle of the week! This one is tough…will you be able to solve it? Make sure to check out the other awesome riddles on our...
The Holiday Season is Almost Here

The Holiday Season is Almost Here

It is finally the holiday season once again. The air is cooler, leaves are changing colors and Christmas commercials have found their way to the airwaves.  We are just a couple of days away from Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and that means everyone will be bracing...
Hexagon Puzzle

Hexagon Puzzle

It is time for the puzzle of the week. Will you be able to solve it? Make sure you share this with your friends to see if they can solve it!   Puzzle: Using numbers between 2 and 20, can you completely fill out the figure below? Rule #1: The difference between...